Migros to stay alcohol free after clear no vote - News Summed Up

Migros to stay alcohol free after clear no vote

© Adriana Stampfl | Dreamstime.comWith record voter participation of more than 630,000 members (29%) – members were offered free chocolate for voting – the result was clear. 80% of voters in the Aare and Zurich regions voted to keep the alcohol ban. Basel (76%), Eastern Switzerland (76%), Luzern (75%), Fribourg-Neuchâtel (73%), Vaud (69%), Geneva (65%) and Valais (60%) were not far behind the two leaders. Only Ticino was close with 55% in favour of maintaining the ban. The ban on selling alcohol has existed since 1928 when Migros’ founder Gottlieb Duttweiler introduced it three years after founding the cooperative to protect public health and fight against the powerful alcohol industry.

Source: Le News June 16, 2022 10:10 UTC

