Migrants face obstacles in re-entry: rights groups - News Summed Up

Migrants face obstacles in re-entry: rights groups

Migrants face obstacles in re-entry: rights groupsHARDSHIP: Migrant workers need to apply for a re-entry permit with immigration authorities, which is valid only for a limited time, the Domestic Caretakers Union saidStaff writer, with CNAMigrants’ rights groups yesterday rallied outside the Executive Yuan in Taipei to demand that the government overturn what they say are discriminatory obstacles for workers who vacation in their home countries. Stop discrimination against blue-collar migrant workers,” the crowd of about 50 shouted. The groups said the regulations are discriminatory and do not respect the hard work that migrant workers do for Taiwanese. Discrepancies between the policies covering migrant workers and ARC holders are in the purview of the National Immigration Agency, it added. As of the end of December, 728,081 migrant workers were in Taiwan, the labor ministry said.

Source: Taipei Times February 21, 2023 04:14 UTC

