Meru Governor Kawira Mwangaza Impeached by MCAs - News Summed Up

Meru Governor Kawira Mwangaza Impeached by MCAs

Members of the Meru County Assembly have voted to impeach Governor Kawira Mwangaza. ''It is now my pleasure to announce at this juncture, the ayes have it and the motion is passed and the Governor stands impeached by the County Assembly of Meru,'' the Assembly Speaker pronounced. Mwangaza who was not present in the house was represented by a battalion of seven lawyers led by Danstan Omari. This is the second time the embattled Meru Governor has been ousted after surviving a similar impeachment in December last year which however was quashed by the Senate. An overwhelming 67 MCAs voted in support of the motion on grounds of abuse of office barely three months after being elected into office.

Source: Daily Nation October 25, 2023 23:04 UTC

