Memento from a tragic past - News Summed Up

Memento from a tragic past

He and four others were excavating a deep trench for the State Highway 1 underpass just south of Oamaru. Mr Warrington’s grandson, Nigel Warrington, contacted the Oamaru Mail from his home in Australia to see if readers can put names to the faces in a photograph that includes his grandfather. “Robert Warrington is the chap standing second from right against the truck wheel, tall and striking-looking with those huge cheekbones,” Nigel said. Nigel Warrington would love to know who is who in this photo that includes his grandfather, Robert Warrington, second from right. He now has news reports, the coroner’s report, and witness statements from the workmates George Fitzmaurice, Charles McKenzie, Robert Swain and Tim Frances Spillane.

Source: Otago Daily Times July 11, 2020 20:48 UTC

