Meet the Ghanaian man 'haunted' by the animals he hunts - News Summed Up

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Meet the Ghanaian man 'haunted' by the animals he hunts

General News of Saturday, 11 February 2023Source: www.ghanaweb.comFor 30 years, hunting animals in Ghana's thick forests is what a family of 10 has been surviving on. Opanyin Yaw Sakyi, who makes ends meet by killing some wild animals in forests to sell, has disclosed that he suspects he's being punished for killing such animals. My name is Yaw Sakyi, and I am a hunter. He, however, is not so shaken to have children who cannot talk and behave in such an unusual ways. When the younger is sick, the elder one, goes to the bush to bring some leaves, and wraps the leaves in his palms.

Source: GhanaWeb February 12, 2023 03:58 UTC

