Meet man who worked for Rs 1000 a month, sold snacks in theatres, now owns Rs 5000 crore company, his business is…We have heard a lot of success stories, but this one stands out because he overcame many obstacles and continues to shine despite the odds. The founder of Balaji Wafers Pvt Ltd, Chandubhai Virani, is a man of great courage and motivation who thrived in life. Today, Balaji Wafers is one of the leading snack manufacturers in India, with a wide range of products and a strong distribution network. Today, Balaji Wafers, owned by Chandubhai Virani, is a large company with a 12 percent market share of snacks valued at Rs 43,800 crore. It is the third-largest snacks seller in India, with a turnover of Rs 5000 crore in March of last year.
Source: dna March 06, 2024 09:15 UTC