Meet duo who got Rs 25,000,000 funding to buy an island and make their own country - News Summed Up

Meet duo who got Rs 25,000,000 funding to buy an island and make their own country

The island lies in the Caribbean and just 15 minutes off the coast of the country Belize. Two men who shared a common love for unusual travel came together to buy an island. The island is Coffee Caye, which lies in the Caribbean and just 15 minutes off the coast of the country Belize. The two men who brought it are Marshall Mayer and Gareth Johnson, the co-founders of the unique ‘Let’s Buy an Island’ crowdfunding campaign. Let’s Buy an Island CEO and co-founder Gareth Johnson is a businessman who owns the tour operator firm Young Pioneer Tours (YPT).

Source: dna December 25, 2023 11:45 UTC

