The Meerut unit of the Special Task Force (STF) arrested a distant relative of the slain Uttar Pradesh gangster-turned-politician Atiq Ahmed from his hotel in Meerut late Thursday night for alleged evasion of Goods and Services Tax (GST) to the tune of Rs 100 crore through several shell units. STF Superintendent of Police Brijesh Singh said they arrested Qamar Ahmed Kazmi late Thursday night and handed him over to the Civil Lines police after sustained interrogation. Kazmi is a relative of jailed Dr Akhlaq Ahmed, who is the brother-in-law of Atiq Ahmed. The police claimed that the car used in the double murder belonged to Akhlaq. “We have shared details of tax evasion with concerned state government departments where the probe will begin from Friday to estimate the actual data of GST evasion,” said Singh.
Source: Indian Express December 22, 2023 12:51 UTC