Medium winds on these a - News Summed Up

Medium winds on these a

Moderate morning weather .. He said: The location of the depression in the Mediterranean Sea and northern LibyaThe weather researcher, a member of the Climate Nomenclature Committee, Abdulaziz Al-Hussaini expected; Medium winds today, Wednesday, in several parts of the Kingdom. He said through his Twitter account: Do not forget the wind supplications; Medium winds are expected, today, from the north of the capital Riyadh and its northern governorates, the north-eastern, the eastern-northern, the northeastern Al-Qassim region, the eastern Najran region, the northern and northern Jizan, the far north, and parts of Yemen – unless God spares them. He added: At dawn today, Wednesday, the morning weather tended to be cold to cold to moderate in the cities of the Kingdom, and the sky was awakening. Indicating that the location of the depression is in the Mediterranean, northern Libya and Egypt, and it is expected today, Wednesday, of moderate to heavy rain with winds in northern Libya and Egypt.

Source: Libya Today October 21, 2020 12:46 UTC

