McConnell open to extending $600 unemployment boost in coronavirus stimulus deal - News Summed Up

McConnell open to extending $600 unemployment boost in coronavirus stimulus deal

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Tuesday that he could support extending the extra $600-a-week unemployment benefit in the next coronavirus relief package -- so long as President Trump backs the measure. Democratic leaders and White House officials are trying to finalize another round of emergency aid this week and hold a vote in Congress next week. One major point of contention during negotiations has been whether or not to continue boosting unemployment benefits by $600 a week. McConnell noted that many Republicans would likely not vote for the final stimulus legislation if it restores the unemployment aid. NEARLY HALF OF US JOBS LOST TO CORONAVIRUS COULD BE GONE PERMANENTLY, POLL FINDS"We know this is going to be a negotiated settlement," McConnell said.

Source: Fox News August 05, 2020 14:48 UTC

