Maybe we need to exploit Republican stupidity more - News Summed Up

Maybe we need to exploit Republican stupidity more

A new Minnesota law lets people 21 and over buy and consume food and beverages with a small amount of hemp-derived THC, but some legislators might not have fully understood the bill before passing it. The new law says food and beverages cannot contain more than 5 milligrams of hemp-derived THC per serving and no more than 50 milligrams per package. Although marijuana-derived THC is still illegal in Minnesota, THC derived from hemp is chemically the same. Marijuana and hemp come from the same cannabis plant, though the plants are bred differently, with marijuana plants high in THC and hemp plants very low in THC. THC, or delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol, is the chemical that causes the high of marijuana.

Source: The Guardian July 03, 2022 17:16 UTC

