Massachusetts retirees knit tiny sweaters to warm backyard chickens — and your heart - News Summed Up

Massachusetts retirees knit tiny sweaters to warm backyard chickens — and your heart

Massachusetts retirees knit tiny sweaters to warm backyard chickens — and your heartNancy Kearns, as resident of Fuller Village retirement home holds a rooster native to Malaysia as the bird is fitted with one of the sweaters she and her knitting group made for them. Soon enough, the Fuller Village retirement home's knitting club had produced a dozen tiny, colourful sweaters for the chickens of the Mary M.B. Prince Peep, a rooster native to Malaysia, wears a sweater at Fuller Village retirement home in the Boston suburb of Milton. "And just for the fun of it she asked me if any of our knitters would be able to make a sweater. But then she did some research and discovered that chicken sweaters are, indeed, a thing.

Source: CBC News March 14, 2017 22:30 UTC

