Martin Kobler departs Tobruk after being prevented from going into city by protesters - News Summed Up

Martin Kobler departs Tobruk after being prevented from going into city by protesters

The Head of the UNSMIL, Martin Kobler, left the city of Tobruk after being prevented by protesters from leaving its airport toward the headquarters of the House of Representatives. Angry protesters gathered Tuesday in front of Jamal Abdelnaser airbase and Tobruk airport to protest the visit of the UN envoy to Libya to their city, holding slogans condemning him and describing him as the reason behind the political fragmentation in Libya. Some other people held slogans rendering Kobler as persona non grata in Tobruk. Kobler had arrived in Tobruk aboard a UN airplane and was received at the High-profile Visitors Room by the first deputy speaker of the HoR, Emhemed Shuaib, who had to discuss the political agreement with Kobler inside the meeting hall in the airport after the protesters refused to let Kobler roll in the city.

Source: Libya Observer November 29, 2016 17:18 UTC

