Man marries 60 times in 25 years, sued by his 60th wife - News Summed Up

Man marries 60 times in 25 years, sued by his 60th wife

A man who has been married 60 times was arrested for faking documents and stealing money from his 60th wife’s father in Bangladesh. ADVERTISEMENTApparently, his 60th wife Rosy Khan had had enough when she filed a case with the Purbadhala police. As per the report, Baker married for money and later on divorced his unsuspecting wives. After Baker got married to Khan, he asked his father-in-law for dowry but Khan’s father declined. Ansar Ali, the officer-in-charge at the Islampur police station, stated that Teacher Baker confessed that he has been married 60 times.

Source: Philippine Daily Inquirer November 21, 2019 10:07 UTC

