Man kills 7-year-old niece for money rituals at Wassa Nkyirifi - News Summed Up

Man kills 7-year-old niece for money rituals at Wassa Nkyirifi

Crime & Punishment of Saturday, 5 August 2023Source: www.ghanaweb.comA 37-year-old farmer by name Augustine in the Wassa Nkyirifi farming community of the Western Region, has allegedly murdered his 7-year-old niece for money rituals. The suspect was apprehended after he nicodemously killed, beheaded, and buried the 7-year-old in a bush. Bursting into tears, Augustine confessed to killing young Sandy Manu for the purpose of money rituals. The suspect visited a spiritualist, who requested the head of his niece and that was when he beheaded her. Agustine led the police to the location of the body, and it was exhumed and then sent to the morgue.

Source: GhanaWeb August 05, 2023 15:39 UTC

