Emergency Task Force says perpetrators of Maikadra Massacre and attack on the Ethiopian Defense Force will face charges in the weeks to comeborkenaEthiopia State of Emergency Fact Check, a government body tasked with sharing information about the state of emergency in Tigray and the law enforcement operation, on Thursday disclosed that government will lay charges in the weeks to come against those involved in Maikadra massacre and attack on the Ethiopian Defense Force. Thirty-six suspects have appeared in a federal court on Thursday in connection with the Maikadra Massacre – which took place in early November 2020 after the TPLF forces opened an attack on several military bases of the northern command. Ethiopian Human Rights Commission (EHRC), the Federal Police and the attorney general have been investigating the crimes committed in Tigray region of Ethiopia, it was said. It has been months since the law enforcement operation was completed in Tigray region. In November 2020, Ethiopian government said that some of those who perpetrated the Maikadra massacre might have crossed the border to Sudan as refugees.
Source: Ethiopian News February 26, 2021 10:30 UTC