The town’s Maharashtrian community came together to celebrate Diwali on Saturday. The event marked the first-ever Marathi-style Diwali in Maidenhead, featuring traditional Maharashtrian food, festive performances, and cultural activities. Celebrations included a nostalgic Antakshari (singing) competition, ‘bringing back cherished memories of celebrations in Maharashtra.’It also inspired Maidenhead's first-ever Diwali publication, Maidenhead Deepotsav Diwali Ank – a ‘unique Maharashtrian tradition’ – published as an e-magazine with articles written in both English and Marathi languages, submitted by community members. This can be found at Maharashtrians in Maidenhead aims to connect Marathi families residing in the area. Neeta Upadhaye, trustee of the Maidenhead Maharashtrian community, said:“It’s been truly amazing to see the Maharashtrian community in Maidenhead come together to celebrate Diwali in a way that truly represents the richness of our culture.
Source: Express November 23, 2023 17:36 UTC