MP Pushes For the Return of Alcoblow - News Summed Up
MP Pushes For the Return of Alcoblow

MP Pushes For the Return of Alcoblow

January 03, 2022 09:13 UTC

Trending Today

MP Pushes For the Return of Alcoblow

A bill tabled by Tiaty member of parliament (MP) Kassait Kamket, has fronted for the return of the breathalyzer, popularly known as 'alcoblow'. The Traffic Amendment Act 2021, seeks to clear the ambiguities that led to the breathalyzers being declared illegal by the Court of Appeal in 2017. Clause 4 of the Traffic Amendment Act pushes for alcoblow to be used as an objective test to provide measurable and scientific applications such as the prescribed limits. The test will be administered by officials of the National Transport and Safety Authority (NTSA) working in conjunction with traffic police. If enacted, the proposed bill by the Tiaty MP will further crack the whip on drivers who exceed designated speed limits.

Source: Daily Nation January 03, 2022 09:13 UTC

