He attributed this exceptional performance to the launch of Tag Ville and Elect projects, in addition to sales of ready-to-move units in Croons and Taval projects within Sarai City. The company launched the first two phases of the Elect project, which contributed to boosting total sales in July. The Elect project is part of Taj City in New Cairo, and includes villas with various designs, with a total area of 167,200 sqm and 9 metres higher than the rest of the Taj City units, he disclosed. The company’s land bank is in the two projects Taj City and Sarai worth approximately 10 million sqm. The value of the plot of land is being paid according to instalments agreed upon with the NUCA.”He pointed out that MNHD is preparing to announce new contracts for an educational project in the Taj City project.
Source: Daily News Egypt September 23, 2022 16:57 UTC