MEDIAWATCH: Melissa Chan-Green destroys Luxon over abortion stance - News Summed Up

MEDIAWATCH: Melissa Chan-Green destroys Luxon over abortion stance

Melissa Chan-Green destroyed Luxon on his abortion stance this morning on The AM Show in another reminder why you have to tune in just in case you miss something. Melissa was challenging Luxon on having Simon O’Connor take down his love heart post for anti-abortionism. He was left acknowledging that the difference was because the abortion issue was politically bad for National. Luxon and National are deeply socially conservative and are compromised hopelessly on this issue. TDB Recommends NewzEngine.comIncreasingly having independent opinion in a mainstream media environment which mostly echo one another has become more important than ever, so if you value having an independent voice – please donate here.

Source: New Zealand Herald June 30, 2022 03:34 UTC

