Lucy Gray - leader, climate change activist, schoolgirl - News Summed Up

Lucy Gray - leader, climate change activist, schoolgirl

Lucy Gray, 12, wants to help the world fight climate change, either through New Zealand politics or something grander like the United Nations. In the hero stakes, it's a toss-up between Taylor Swift and Swedish schoolgirl Greta Thunberg for 12-year-old Christchurch climate-change activist Lucy Gray. GEORGE HEARD/STUFF Lucy Gray with her Beckenham School classmates before the first protest for climate change in Christchurch on March 15. The Christchurch School Strike 4 Climate team went over for Mayday celebrations and took part in a forum with Climate Change Minister James Shaw. "Me and my friends got students to come along in their lunch hour and learn about climate change.

Source: Stuff May 24, 2019 17:01 UTC

