PhotoLouise Erdrich’s novel “LaRose,” which centers on two Native American families in North Dakota whose lives are upended by a horrific hunting accident that kills a 5-year-old boy, won the National Book Critics Circle Award for fiction on Thursday. The NBCC Awards, which are open to any book published in English in the United States, stand out from other major awards because book critics deliver the verdicts. The finalists and winners, in six categories, are selected by the board of directors of the National Book Critics Circle, which was founded in 1974 and is made up of more than 700 literary critics and editors. Advertisement Continue reading the main storyThe book critic Ruth Franklin won the biography prize for “Shirley Jackson: A Rather Haunted Life,” her study of Ms. Jackson’s life and work. Advertisement Continue reading the main story“Why did I only get one lifetime?” she said.
Source: New York Times March 17, 2017 00:30 UTC