Looper column: What color is God? - News Summed Up
Looper column: What color is God?

Looper column: What color is God?

February 26, 2021 15:11 UTC

Trending Today

Looper column: What color is God?

I question Roberts’s claim that people are constantly exposed to the image of God as white. From this state of affairs, it might be - and sometimes is - claimed that the Christian God is a white person’s God. The apt response to this claim is: “Of course he is the white person’s God. And all persons.” If the Christian God is God at all, he is the God of the whole earth and everyone in it. People who turn up their noses at the God of the Bible as a white person’s God need to get out more.

Source: Ethiopian News February 26, 2021 15:11 UTC

