London brings fathers of Mashal, Malala together - News Summed Up

London brings fathers of Mashal, Malala together

People showed up in large numbers to give a hero’s welcome to Iqbal Lala at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) in London. Before Mashal Khan’s father had the chance to utter a word, he had already received two standing ovations. And this was before Malala Yousafzai’s father Dr Ziauddin Yousafzai took the podium to formally introduce Lala. We’re bringing a bad name to Islam ourselves: Malala condemns Mashal Khan’s murder“Mashal has gotten the best of Pakistan. Yousafzai was forced to intervene and close the evening by saying, “People like Iqbal [Lala] never contradict their statements like the extremists do.

Source: The Express Tribune January 21, 2018 18:56 UTC

