Liberians: Should We Continue To Live With Correctable Challenges? - News Summed Up

Liberians: Should We Continue To Live With Correctable Challenges?

The argument of this paper therefore, is not to justify or counter balance the accusation against the police. The critical piece is that the amount of force used must be minimum required to achieve the lawful objective ( In a more elevated manner, excessive force refers to a situation where government official legally entitled to use force exceed the minimum amount necessary to diffuse an incident or to protect themselves or others from harm ( Answerability which requires officials and institutions to provide reasoned justifications for their actions and decisions to those they affect. Finally, the contending question of this article is, if action replaces rhetoric, love replaces hate, selflessness replaces greed, and humility replaces arrogance, why will we still be living with correctable challenges in this “cherished land” of ours?

Source: Front Page Africa January 16, 2020 19:30 UTC

