Liberia: Prosecution Witnesses in Massaquoi Appeal Hearings Give Contradictory Testimonies, But Blame Them on Forgetfulness - News Summed Up

Liberia: Prosecution Witnesses in Massaquoi Appeal Hearings Give Contradictory Testimonies, But Blame Them on Forgetfulness

And with the appeal hearings in Liberia nearly their closing stages, the issue is once again coming up too often, with some prosecution witnesses not only contradicting themselves about key dates of Massaquoi’s alleged crimes, but also where they allegedly took place. During direct examination on Thursday, “Witness Y1,” another prosecution witness told the court he was captured by Massaquoi as a child soldier in Sierra Leone in 1999 and taken to Lofa County along with other RUF figures. “I said it was Massaquoi because he gave the order to Superman,” Witness Y1 said. He said: “It’s been long, I can’t remember everything.”“Witness X7,” another prosecution witness, corroborated the testimony of a prosecution who testified on Tuesday about an alleged act of sexual assault by Massaquoi against her friend. The coverage of the appeal of Massaquoi’s acquittal is a collaboration with New Narratives as part of the West Africa Justice Reporting Project.

Source: Front Page Africa March 17, 2023 19:19 UTC

