In a motion, members voted to remove Seboe and Attoh-Wreh due to their frequent absences. The House is now proceeding on a dangerous slippery slope, bouyed by the artless acquiescence by the Executive. The House LeadershipHowever, several provisions of House of Representatives’ Standing Rules are in the limelight, with each side interpreting in a way that supports their argument. Pro-Koffa bloc: ‘Illegal’ Restructuring of House Leadership’The pro-Koffa bloc, led by embattled House Speaker, has slammed the reconstitution of the Ways, Means and Finance committee, saying it’s a violation of rules 54.1 and 54.2. The House is now proceeding on a dangerous slippery slope, buoyed by the artless acquiescence by the Executive.
Source: Front Page Africa November 20, 2024 14:20 UTC