Liberia: Prince Johnson’s Party Accuses Taylor’s Ex-fighters of Orchestration Sunday’s Church Disruption - News Summed Up

Liberia: Prince Johnson’s Party Accuses Taylor’s Ex-fighters of Orchestration Sunday’s Church Disruption

MONROVIA – The Movement for Democracy and Reconstruction (MDR) has accused former Charles Taylor NPFL fighters, who remain loyal to Vice President Jewel Howard-Taylor within the National Patriotic Party, of instigating a protest that disrupted Senator Prince Johnson’s Sunday church service. Citing ‘reliable information’, the party asserted that ex-combatants Roland Duoh, Dopoe Menkozohn, Joe Tuah, Kai Farlay, and others orchestrated the disturbance at the Christ Chapel of Faith Church. Their intention, according to the MDR, was to prevent Senator Evangelist Prince Johnson’s sermon from potentially having a political impact on Jewel Howard Taylor. They emphasized that Senator Johnson, as a revolutionary leader, felt the need to liberate his people. According to evidence in our possession, he recently accompanied the Vice President during her tour in the southeastern region, including Maryland County, and we urge him to refrain from being used for violent purposes.

Source: Front Page Africa May 24, 2023 07:57 UTC

