Liberia: Leadership Deficit Glaring Amid Delayed Salaries, High Prices, Financial Crisis - News Summed Up

Liberia: Leadership Deficit Glaring Amid Delayed Salaries, High Prices, Financial Crisis

PRESIDENT WEAH, WHILE away from the country, even declared a nationwide holiday for the same census, making people to remain home when the process had not begun. PRESIDENT WEAH WAS even spotted playing soccer along with other famous former soccer stars, including the likes of Kaka of Brazil and others. MONTSERRADO COUNTY Senator Abraham Darius Dillon wrote the Liberian Senate recently calling for a probe into the prolonged absence of President Weah from the country just to watch the World Cup. SENATOR DILLON IN HIS communication provided justification that the Paris Conference was held on November 11th and 12th and was never extended as claimed by President Weah in his communication to that August Body. WITH ALL THESE NEGATIVE developments taking place in the country and the President still out of the country with these serious problems unresolved, it indicates that there is huge leadership deficit

Source: Front Page Africa December 05, 2022 19:53 UTC

