“Today I am brave enough to stand among people to talk,” Fofana said in her remarks at the International Women’s Day official celebration. Mama Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, women are praying may God bless her and give her good health.”Popularly known as the “Iron Lady”, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf served from 2006 to 2018. According to Kartumu Boakai, the First Lady of Liberia, the theme is a call to action to invest more in women. “As we reflect on the sacrifices and triumphs of women throughout history, we are reminded of the power and potential that women hold within themselves,” she said in her keynote address. Why International Women’s DayMarch 8, was declared by the United Nations (UN) as the International Women's Day to celebrate how far women have come in society, politics, and economics.
Source: Daily Observer March 12, 2024 11:28 UTC