Let us use not abuse the power of leadership to shape 2022 - News Summed Up

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Let us use not abuse the power of leadership to shape 2022

Much has been said and written about 2022, making it an almost unique year that some may have imagined would never come. Like a vehicle on a muddy and slippery road, we are in a desperate need of sober leadership to steer this nation from sliding into the ditches and thickets of 2007/8. They each hold a special leadership responsibility which they may choose to use for the glory or disgrace of Kenya. Yet, as an Elder Statesman, the former Prime Minister needs to provide a rare breed of leadership that can keep Kenyans sober and united before and after the ballot. We must commit to pray for God to grant us special grace to positively shape 2022 for His glory.

Source: Standard Digital January 02, 2022 18:00 UTC

