Lemons in short supply - News Summed Up
Lemons in short supply

Lemons in short supply

January 26, 2021 00:22 UTC

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Lemons in short supply

The global pandemic is partly to blame for a tighter than normal squeeze on supply of the citrus fruit at the moment. Not only is it the off season for New Zealand grown lemons, Kerikeri grower Alan Thompson said a number of other factors were affecting supply of the imported variety. So importers are reluctant to bring lemons in because of the process, which is causing a shortage of arrivals." "The Yen Ben Lemons are the main lemons in New Zealand, 70 percent of their crop is produced in the winter months from July to September." That reduced the amount of lemons available in New Zealand, Thompson said.

Source: Otago Daily Times January 26, 2021 00:22 UTC

