By Chen Yu-fu and William Hetherington / Staff reporter, with staff writerCitizen Congress Watch (CCW) yesterday met with Legislative Speaker You Si-kun (游錫堃) to push for increased transparency and professionalism in the Legislative Yuan, the legislative watchdog said. You said that the legislature could consider developing an improved version of the Parliament Broadcast IVOD service, which provides live broadcasts of legislative sessions, as well as archived recordings of past sessions. The most important issue discussed at the meeting was the need for legislative professionalism, and the legislature’s right of consent to the appointment of personnel, You said. You said he had asked Legislative Yuan Secretary-General Lin Chih-chia (林志嘉) to look into improving the parliamentary broadcast service. “Without a good legislature, there is no good nation,” Wu said, adding that he hoped the legislature would continue working toward national reform.
Source: Taipei Times February 19, 2020 15:56 UTC