The legislation was passed by China’s National People’s Congress on Thursday, bypassing review by the Hong Kong Legislative Council, exacerbating the situation in Hong Kong and posing a threat to the freedoms and safety of Hong Kongers, the statement reads. Legislative Speaker You Si-kun reads a statement by lawmakers from across party lines at the Legislative Yuan in Taipei yesterday. Taiwan would, on existing mechanisms and the condition that its security can be upheld, provide humanitarian assistance to Hong Kongers whose freedoms and safety have come under threat, it reads. Separately, independent Legislator Freddy Lim (林昶佐) announced the launch of the Taiwan Parliament Group for Hong Kong (台灣國會友好香港連線), which 48 lawmakers from across party lines have joined. Lam thanked the president and Taiwanese for their support of Hong Kong.
Source: Taipei Times May 29, 2020 15:56 UTC