Lahren 'gravely sickened' that those who 'claim to support' Trump caused deaths of two Capitol police officers - News Summed Up

Lahren 'gravely sickened' that those who 'claim to support' Trump caused deaths of two Capitol police officers

Fox Nation host Tomi Lahren paid tribute to two Capitol police officers who lost their lives following last week's riot, telling viewers on Tuesday that she is "gravely sickened to know [that] those who claim to support our president are to blame." "When I say this sickens me, I mean it truly sickens me," Lahren said on her Fox Nation show "Final Thoughts." "A real and true Trump supporter would never attack, harass, beat or assault an officer of the law out there simply fulfilling the duty to protect and serve." For Lahren's full commentary and more episodes of "Final Thoughts," visit Fox Nation and join today. CLICK HERE TO JOIN FOX NATIONFox Nation programs are viewable on-demand and from your mobile device app, but only for Fox Nation subscribers.

Source: Fox News January 12, 2021 23:15 UTC

