LAPSSET project: Focus on health concerns instead of harassing activists - Human Rights - News Summed Up

LAPSSET project: Focus on health concerns instead of harassing activists - Human Rights

Kenyan authorities should address environmental and health concerns relating to LAPSSET project instead of harassing activists in Lamu, Human Rights Watch has said. In a report on Monday, Africa Researcher Otsieno Namwaya said the police and the military are harassing and intimidating environmental rights activists. LAPSSET Corridor Development Authority, has donated over 975 acres of land for the construction of the Lamu coal fired power plant. On December 1, environmental activists asked the state to kill plans for the Sh200 billion Lamu coal plant following the Blue Economy conference. The activists said the proposed coal project flies in the face of the agenda of sustainable economies for communities living close to water.

Source: The Star December 17, 2018 05:48 UTC

