The TN BJP president said the the release of the draft report is welcome news for farmers, and urged the Tamil Nadu government to look into its implementation immediatelyTamil Nadu BJP president L. Murugan on Monday urged the State government to take measures to implement the Godavari-Cauvery river linking project, as the Centre has sent the detailed draft report to the States. In a statement, he said the release of the draft is welcome news for farmers and urged the Tamil Nadu government to look into its implementation immediately “instead of saying things like we will form a panel to look into the report.”Mr. Murugan said the State government should act in the best interests of Tamil Nadu and the project can help address water shortage issues. He also claimed that the Centre has allocated additional funds for the project, when compared to others. Mr. Murugan thanked Prime Minister Narendra Modi for having sent the draft report.
Source: The Hindu June 07, 2021 07:07 UTC