Trust Karan Johar to get celebrities to address even the toughest questions they have been avoiding for months. On the latest episode of Koffee With Karan, he asked his guest Alia Bhatt about her recent comments about husband Ranbir Kapoor that raked up a huge controversy. Alia was joined on the couch by her sister-in-law Kareena Kapoor. (Also read: HTLS: Alia Bhatt says she's not ‘hiding’ her daughter Raha, is ‘proud’ of her) Alia Bhatt spoke about the viral video of her talking about Ranbir Kapoor asking her to wipe off her lipstick. Recently, Alia had said in a beauty tutorial video that Ranbir doesn't like it when she wears lipsticks and tells her to ‘wipe it off’.
Source: Hindustan Times November 16, 2023 02:17 UTC