Ko’s comments just empty talk - News Summed Up
Ko’s comments just empty talk

Ko’s comments just empty talk

August 11, 2023 21:38 UTC

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Ko’s comments just empty talk

During a visit to southern Taiwan, Ko met a 35-year-old man who is making a monthly salary of about NT$40,000, he said. With a house rent of NT$5,000, the young man had intended to apply for rent subsidies, but was prevented from doing so by the landlord. Ko did not follow up the question of annual salaries, which reveals his ignorance of the salary structure of the private sector. From mayor to chairman, Ko’s Achilles’ heel has always been raising issues without offering any solutions. Ko, who is all talk and no action, is the last person anyone can count on to “save” Taiwan, least of all young people.

Source: Taipei Times August 11, 2023 21:38 UTC

