Kim Jong-un receives luxury car as gift from Vladimir Putin - News Summed Up

Kim Jong-un receives luxury car as gift from Vladimir Putin

Vladimir Putin gave Kim Jong-un a luxury Russian Aurus limousine as a gift because the North Korean leader liked the car when the Russian president showed it to him last year, the Kremlin said on Tuesday. When Kim visited eastern Russia in September, Putin showed Kim one of the black armoured limousines that he uses. Kim sat beside Putin in the car at the Vostochny cosmodrome and appeared to enjoy it. “When the head of the DPRK [North Korea] was at the Vostochny cosmodrome, he looked at this car, Putin showed it to him personally, and like many people, Kim liked this car,” the Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov said when asked about the gift. The US has accused North Korea of supplying Russia with artillery shells and missiles used in Ukraine.

Source: The Guardian February 20, 2024 17:11 UTC

