more-inA 24-year-old man has been arrested for allegedly attacking a policeman with a screwdriver on Thursday night in north-east Delhi’s Jafrabad. The incident happened when Assistant Sub-Inspector Virendra and a constable were patrolling at Ghonda chowk and saw two men moving suspiciously. Case registeredThe accused attacked ASI Virendra with a screwdriver multiple times and inflicted serious injuries on his body and near his eye. “Despite the injuries, the ASI caught the accused, which was extremely courageous on his part,” said DCP (North-East) Ajit Kumar Singla. “We have registered a case under sections 186 (obstructing public servant in discharge of public functions), 353 (assault or criminal force to deter public servant from discharge of his duty), and 307 (attempt to murder) of the IPC.
Source: The Hindu July 14, 2017 19:41 UTC