Surya, who successfully underwent sex-change operation in 2014, is preparing for her tenth class examinations and, Ishan, who underwent sex-change operation three years ago, is a Class 12 student. Surya, who successfully underwent sex-change operation in 2014, is preparing for her tenth class examinations and, Ishan, who underwent sex-change operation three years ago, is a Class 12 student. In a triumphant win for the LGBTQI+ community in India, Kerala’s first legal trans-couple got married today (May 10) in a ceremony attended by family and friends from the community. Ishan, who was once living as a man trapped inside a woman’s body, and Surya Thiruvananthapuram as a woman inside a man’s anatomy, successfully underwent sex-change operations. In 2017, the news of another trans couple from Kerala — Sukanyeah Krishna and Aarav Appukuttan — getting married, made news.
Source: Indian Express May 10, 2018 10:10 UTC