On Wednesday, February 21, the local newspapers headlined stories on various topics, including the Controller of Budget's (COB) move to decline some expenditure requests by the State House, Nairobi. Daily NationThe daily reported on Controller of Budget (COB) Margaret Nayakang'o's move to reject the State House's requests for funds to be spent on non-essential causes. The House on the Hill wanted KSh 51 billion for expenditure on 31 requests addressed to the Exchequer under an emergency clause. The State House wanted KSh 400 million to purchase vehicles and another KSh 700 million to construct a modern presidential dais; all were declined. The request for KSh 18.4 billion by the Ministry of Energy and KSh 200 million by the Ministry of Defence for El Nino emergencies were also turned down.
Source: Daily Nation February 21, 2024 05:20 UTC