Kenya leads the way in tapping into geothermal energy potential - News Summed Up

Kenya leads the way in tapping into geothermal energy potential

The African Continental Power Systems Masterplan (CMP) study into Geothermal Power Plants (GPP) says geothermal power offers multiple benefits including high capacity factors and low costs. Geothermal exploration in East AfricaThe study notes that Kenya is the most advanced in its geothermal exploration, having grown its installed capacity from 15MW to 950MW and actively pursuing an increase to 10GW by 2040. The CMP being developed for Africa shows geothermal power to grow from 0.7% in 2023 to 1.1% of the electricity mix planned for 2040. This thermal energy is stored in rocks and fluids in the centre of the earth. “Geothermal energy is also used directly, by piping thermal water for heating greenhouses, fish farms, and municipal heating systems.

Source: The North Africa Journal October 02, 2023 18:57 UTC

