Kenya grinds to a halt as Gen Z protesters make good their threat - News Summed Up

Kenya grinds to a halt as Gen Z protesters make good their threat

The Finance Bill, 2024, sailed through the next stage. In the face of it all, the defiance of the young Kenyans participating in the nationwide revolt did not wane. If they had promised to shut down Kenya like witnessed on Tuesday, the young Kenyans from Generation Y (Millennials) and Z did not disappoint. They marched all day, not only protesting tax hikes proposed in the Finance Bill, but also corruption and cronyism that they said had taken root within the Kenya Kwanza administration. All those who have been kidnapped and held incommunicado were vocal against the Finance Bill on social media, promising to participate in paralysing the nation.

Source: Daily Nation June 26, 2024 06:10 UTC

