It was just a drill, conducted last Monday for a visiting V.I.P., Prime Minister Keir Starmer. “You’re looking for the ideal conditions?” Mr. Starmer asked softly, as the captain explained how the Vanguard must be maneuvered to the right depth to launch its Trident missiles. Mr. Starmer leaned forward in the captain’s chair, the blue glow from a bank of screens reflected in his eyeglasses. Later, after he had climbed a 32-foot ladder to the submarine’s deck, Mr. Starmer reflected on its nearly seven-month-long mission. At a time when Europe’s capacity to defend itself has come under criticism, not least from President Trump, Mr. Starmer said these mighty boats were an ironclad symbol of Britain’s commitment to NATO.
Source: The Times March 23, 2025 17:45 UTC