Kashmir and Justice - News Summed Up

Kashmir and Justice

Peace, justice and human digni­ty cannot take a back seat as so­cieties globalize their trade, sup­ply chaining, and outsourcing. It is the responsibility of everyone operating in the interna­tional arena to ensure that peace, justice and human dignity are pro­tected. Now, let us analyze the condi­tions of administration of jus­tice in Indian occupied Kash­mir where the justice system has failed the hapless population of the State. In becoming a party to key international hu­man rights treaties, India under­took to ensure that effective rem­edies were available to the victims of such human rights abuses. The government of India has to under­take measures that protect and enhance an independent and im­partial judiciary, as well as an in­dependent legal profession.”Dr. Ghulam Nabi FaiThe writer is the Secretary General of the Washington-based World Kashmir Awareness Forum.

Source: The Nation January 17, 2024 13:23 UTC

