BJP’s chief ministerial candidate B S Yeddyurappa at a roadshow in his constituency of Shikaripura, Karnataka. (Express Photo/Aaron Pereira) BJP’s chief ministerial candidate B S Yeddyurappa at a roadshow in his constituency of Shikaripura, Karnataka. The district of Shimoga has seven Assembly constituencies — Bhadravati, Sagar, Shikaripura, Tirthahall, Shimoga, Shimoga rural and Sorab. If the BJP wins the election on May 15, Shimoga will have yet another chance to have the state’s next chief minister from here — the Lingayat strongman B S Yeddyurappa. Karnataka Elections 2018: Track PM Narendra Modi and Congress chief Rahul Gandhi’s campaign trail (This interactive graph may take a minute to load)
Source: Indian Express May 10, 2018 05:37 UTC