Because of Yediyurappa, BJP was able to win elections in south India and form a stable government in Karnataka,” Murugha Sharanaru added. (File photo)Amid speculation about a change of leadership in Karnataka, Chief Minister BS Yediyurappa received the support of senior Congress leaders from the Lingayat community and seers from various mutts in the state. Former minister and Congress leader M B Patil on Monday said the Lingayat community will be displeased with the BJP central leaders if they remove its strongman Yediyurappa as the chief minister. Because of Yediyurappa, BJP was able to win elections in south India and form a stable government in Karnataka,” Murugha Sharanaru added. “Friction is common in politics, let anyone say anything, but we have confidence that BS Yediyurappa will continue as the chief minister and complete the term.
Source: Indian Express July 20, 2021 12:56 UTC