The voter ID cards, along with copying machines, cash and other documents were seized from a house in ‘SLV Park View Apartments’, following a clash between some people, suspected to be affiliated to political parties, in the apartment on Tuesday evening. Karnataka Chief Electoral Officer Sanjeev Kumar said the voter ID cards were genuine cards, belonging to people from R R Nagar constituency. The BJP claimed the Congress was behind the racket, while the Congress accused the BJP of enacting a “fake, concocted and fabricated midnight drama” to impede free and fair elections. Close to 20,000 fake Voters ID card recovered from @INCIndia‘s Raja Rajeshwari Nagar constituency candidate Muniratna. “Yes, voter cards have been recovered, but EC has notified 14 documents that can be used for identification at the time of casting vote.
Source: Indian Express May 09, 2018 23:33 UTC